General Information
snowkiting.ch is the official website of the Swiss Snowkiting School. This is the version 3.0. The website was programmed with HTML 5 by buerosued.ch. The Swiss Snowkiting School clearly dissociates from the content of the linked pages. The webmasters of these pages are responsable for their content themselves . All the photos of the website are copyright © of the Swiss Snowkiting School if nothing else is indicated. If you want to use photos, please write an e-mail to us.
Kite Rider GmbH
Chavezweg 5
CH-3911 Ried-Brig
Phone: +41 78 628 59 73
Email: info@snowkiting.ch
Website: www.snowkiting.ch
Bank Details
IBAN: CH47 0900 0000 6058 4781 7
Bank: Postfinance
Recipient of payment: Kite Rider GmbH